We are very fortunate to have a team as dedicated as this Reveal crew is, as they are willing to do the research it takes to get at the root of the problem.
Just like the Boston Globe took quite some time investigating the Catholic Church, to expose the problems from those at the top, it will take some time- and evidence - to expose those at the top in the Watchtower.
I remember as a child hearing over and over again denunciations of the Catholic Church. Right? Nowadays, when I read through court documents, I was surprised to read & hear the WT lawyers use the sickening, heartless excuse of "clergy penitent privilege" in every breath and sentence it could.
Heidi Hervonen did an excellent job linking the Boston Globe articles, the Public Radio Show in Minneapolis, and last year's announcement by the Vatican that it will set up a tribunal to hold bishops accountable if they do not deal with sex abusing priests properly.
Is the WT now going to have to "set up tribunals" to "deal with Circuit Overseers" or "Service Desk officials" or "Wt lawyers" (let's not forget the men who are the "Guardions Of Doctrine') who do not deal with child sex abuse properly to keep up with the Catholic Church?
That's ironic, isn't it? The WT "keeping up with" the Catholic Church? Well, it certainly did when it came to child sex abuse occurring over and over again, and nothing being done about it, didn't they?